What Is Hemp?Hemp is the non-intoxicating variety of the cannabis species. It is a botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown specifically for industrial or medicinal use. Cannabidiol - better known as CBD - is one of more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant. A quality hemp-derived CBD product will be labeled Full Spectrum or Whole Spectrum. It will generally contain less than 0.3 percent Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid extracted from its cousin, the (marijuana) plant.
It seems that everywhere you look, CBD has been the talk of the wellness world. However, we prefer not to use it in our products, as processing generally strips it of its supportive compounds. Instead, we choose to include the raw form of CBD,
cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), as research suggests it to be more potent . Moreover, CBDA may well be the next frontier in cannabinoid-based products.
Preserving The Benefits Of The Whole Hemp FlowerThe folks at Nutrient Sense have worked very diligently to ensure our hemp extractions are as close as possible to the raw plant. The reason? We believe every compound is important because nature chose every bit, and it’s had a long time to get things right. Through the use of green ultrasound extraction, we work to retain not only the hemp plant's CBDA, but its full range of additional phytocannabinoids, terpenes, essential fatty acids, and many vitamins and minerals. From harvest to processing, with each step our goal is to preserve the plant in its live state.
Picture a juicy whole apple. While it’s true that you can extract single nutrients like vitamin C and potassium from it, you’ll be leaving behind an abundance of bits that are both healthful and necessary for bioavailability. Science is just beginning to understand that CBDA has greater bioavailability than CBD, which means the body can metabolize the raw compound with less effort and in less time. Most importantly,
research is suggesting that CBDA - in its natural state - may be the more effective form.
So, knowing that CBD may have its limitations, we have come to prefer the plant's raw and whole forerunner. Here at Nutrient Sense, we just couldn't settle for anything less.